Saturday, May 14, 2011



'Teas, Rain and Rebellion'

This piece is a personal visual description about english culture, created during a grey wintery rainy day, relating to england as a foreigner who lives in this country from many years, and who started finally to feel part of it, in some way excepting the good and the bad of it, learning and growing through it.

A cup of tea, the rain and there it was, the third element that was a consequence of the two english aspects: rebellion. Thinking also about the division of the social classes, that historically and in contemporary time can be associated sarcastically by the use of tea. This is what explains the use of tea bags for the realisation of this painting, left also on the floor as to emphasise the statement.

Its meaning and its title, coincidently, worked very well with an exhibition organised at university, to which I took part: Protest and Propaganda.


This piece with rust was also realised thinking about England and the Rain, but referring to something very different, my second year work. It was mainly focused into the exploration of the materials (metal and copper), rusting them, changing their composition... so that this piece became like a metaphor to say goodbye to my old style. That refers to the choice of placing few sheets of rusted metal on top of a surface made by paint and plaster, on mdf, dripping water on it, in order to leave the stains, and to finally remove the metal sheets as to say 'Getting over it'. Also emphasising through the stains the presence of something that was there in the past, that now there is no more, but that still, in some way, makes itself present.

'Getting over it'

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