Sunday, February 13, 2011



'One week a month.This week I lost it'

'...and so I had an argument with Leroy Johnson, from Fame'

'The number 9 theory'

'I hate flags, therefore, I made my own one'

'Lacking Control'

Throughout the realisation of these various and different pieces, my aim has been to explore and investigate my thought and emotions, related to my past experiences and memories. A sort of 'story telling' in which the work is accompanied by a variety of tangible objects, in order to make visible that thin line which divides 'yesterday from today'. The past always makes itself present in the today.

Therefore, my intention has been to explore this relationship between 'past and present', liberating thoughts, lettings things be, without control, but at the same time being aware of the actions expressed, through the experimentation of different media: what it seems to be appropriate to define the 'uncontrollable control'.

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